Monday, May 20, 2013


Did you see, do you see?
Beauty, beauty everywhere-
Hidden in your daily life
screaming to be seen or heard-
the leaves emerging from the trees
flowers unfolding in the sun
even the birds with songs unsung
Flying overhead above the clouds
and below the winds
bunnies hopping beaneath the bushes
and deer hidden from your sight
yet, the beauty continues even when
you ignore and do not see
Why, why are you too stirred an and unsettled
to take time to see-to stop, to listen-
to REALLY listen-to slow down
and see beneath the SEEN-SCENE
GOD is there, here to bless you
with HIS awesome work and
fill you with awesome wonder and appreciation
So.... stop.... listen..... and see.....
There's more, much more.
written 5/10/13

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