Tuesday, May 21, 2013


In the Garden of Gethsemane, so many years ago,
Our LORD said "FATHER I really don't want to go,
I'd really rather stay right here and be with my good friends,
I don't want this time on earth, just now for me to end.
Thomas still needs answers so he can carry on
And there's the one I love so much, you know, John.
 I should stay here for Peter, he still has many a fear,
And the multitude that followed they really need me here.
but YOU set this cup before me, it came from you own hand,
So FATHER I will drink it just the way YOU planned.

(written many years ago)


One day a stranger came and knocked on my heart's door.
He knocked and knocked and knocked, and then HE knocked some more.
HE didn't shove and push, He waited right outside,
until I realized there was nowhere I could hide.
Reluctanly I asked HIM in, not sure if  HE would stay
Then HE began to lead along the narrow way.
HE said, "I came to give you life, it now begins anew,
Because I went to Calvary to shed my blood for you."
And then HE said, "I'll never go and leave you all alone,
l've chosen you, my friend, to be MY very own,
I've waited for this special day when you would ask ME in,
And now I've cleansed you from each and every sin".

(written many years ago after my salvation experience)

Monday, May 20, 2013


Did you see, do you see?
Beauty, beauty everywhere-
Hidden in your daily life
screaming to be seen or heard-
the leaves emerging from the trees
flowers unfolding in the sun
even the birds with songs unsung
Flying overhead above the clouds
and below the winds
bunnies hopping beaneath the bushes
and deer hidden from your sight
yet, the beauty continues even when
you ignore and do not see
Why, why are you too stirred an and unsettled
to take time to see-to stop, to listen-
to REALLY listen-to slow down
and see beneath the SEEN-SCENE
GOD is there, here to bless you
with HIS awesome work and
fill you with awesome wonder and appreciation
So.... stop.... listen..... and see.....
There's more, much more.
written 5/10/13